Docs > Local functions
Local functions
- start_game()
start_game(obj: Object) -> None
Start the game on a object (normal is Screen object).
Call the obj.update() in a loop block with conditional obj.running.
If you wanna create an owner.
The code:
The time_load use the unit second.
- get_objects_by_tag()
get_objects_by_tag(tag='_object') -> list[_Object]
Return the list of all objects which have the tag.
- get_object_by_name()
get_object_by_name(name) -> Object | None
Return an object which has the name, if not return None.
- get_objects()
get_objects() -> list[_Object]
Return the list of all object.
- remove_tag(tag)
remove_tag(tag) -> None
Remove a tag if it's exist (in tags), the new tag is only added when calling Object.add_tag(tag).